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odd toothed

См. также в других словарях:

  • имеющий нечётное число зубьев — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN odd toothed …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Glossary of botanical terms — Many of the terms used in Wikipedia glossaries (often most) are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, lists like the following indicate where new articles need to be written and are also useful for looking up and… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals in China — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in China. There are 495 mammal species in China, of which 13 are critically endangered, 24 are endangered, 47 are vulnerable, and 7 are near threatened.1 of the species listed for China can no longer… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals of India — Part of a series on Wildlife of India …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals in Burma — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Myanmar. There are 257 mammal species in Myanmar, of which 4 are critically endangered, 10 are endangered, 26 are vulnerable, and 2 are near threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals in Tanzania — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Tanzania. There are 364 mammal species in Tanzania, of which 2 are critically endangered, 13 are endangered, 20 are vulnerable, and 17 are near threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals in Kenya — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Kenya. There are 400 mammal species in Kenya, of which 4 are critically endangered, 9 are endangered, 19 are vulnerable, and 15 are near threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List… …   Wikipedia

  • Wildlife of Tanzania — The Wildlife of Tanzania includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats.Tanzania has 364 species of mammals and 1108 species of birds.FaunaMammalsubclass: TheriaInfraclass: EutheriaOrder: Afrosoricida (tenrecs and golden moles) The order …   Wikipedia

  • Wildlife of Uganda — The Wildlife of Uganda includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats.Uganda has 364 species of mammals and 1062 species of birds.ConservationWCS began conservation work in Uganda through conducting biological surveys of savanna parks in …   Wikipedia

  • Leaf — For other uses, see Leaf (disambiguation). The leaves of a Beech tree …   Wikipedia

  • List of mammals of Russia — The Brown Bear, Ursus arctos is the national animal of Russia This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Russia. There are 266 mammal species in Russia, of which 5 are critically endangered, 13 are endangered, 26 are vulnerable, and 6 are… …   Wikipedia

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